Nonprofit Membership Software

Empowered Nonprofits for 15 Years

Built with nonprofits, for nonprofits.
We made the platform for how they interacted with people.

End of an Era

It has been 15 years since we began serving our first customer in March 2nd, 2008. It started with a desire to support the leadership of churches and nonprofits. To help them better care for, and understand, their communities. Over the years that followed, Fresh Vine developed into truly world-class software.

Keep Reading

Are you looking for custom software for your organization?

Together, we can make the software needed to tell your story and grow.


“For the price Fresh Vine is unbeatable. I use the statistics & graphs to calculate and project trends in giving, attendance, and participation. It also helps track what marketing is working effectively, and which demographics we are reaching.”

Ryan Moon


A Sample of the Software